Please use this form to confirm and schedule a appointment!
Appointment Scheduled
Your appointment request has been received, and we're delighted to confirm that your appointment is scheduled for DD/MMM/2024 with XXX.
Any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to any Staff member with your concerns.
If you need help being transported to our faculty, please reply through here and we will help you in any way we can.
Our facility is located on Marlowe Drive, Richman Glen, Los Santos County.
We are very excited to have you as a patient here at Valentines Rehabilitation Center.
Code: Select all
[divbox=#363E54][br][/br][left][color=#47AEBF][size=120][b][indent][center]Appointment Scheduled[/center][/indent][/b][/size][/color][/left][br][/br][/divbox]
[list=none][b] PATIENT NAME,
Your appointment request has been received, and we're delighted to confirm that your appointment is scheduled for [color=#FFFFFF]DD/MMM/2024[/color] with [color=#FFFFFF]XXX[/color].
Any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to any Staff member with your concerns.
If you need help being transported to our faculty, please reply through here and we will help you in any way we can.
Our facility is located on Marlowe Drive, Richman Glen, Los Santos County.
We are very excited to have you as a patient here at Valentines Rehabilitation Center.